To register, you will need to complete the registration form. You will then receive an email to the address you entered on the form. This email will confirm your account is now active but you will need to click a link on the email to verify your account. Please make sure you check your junk/spam emails if you can not find this confirmation email.
Return to the Homepage and click 'Log In' to sign in. Then click on 'My Dashboard' in the top right corner of the screen - this will take you to your ‘My Account’ area:
On this dashboard, you can update your details using ‘My Profile’, view your messages using ‘My Messages’ and create vacancies using ‘My Vacancies’.
Select ‘My Vacancies’, to be taken to the screen where you can view the vacancies you already have and set up new ones:
To create a new vacancy, select ‘Create New Vacancy’ and complete the form, making sure to submit at the end.
When you no longer wish to have a vacancy on the site, you can either unpublish the vacancy by selecting ‘Update’ next to the vacancy and scrolling to the bottom of the form and un-selecting ‘Published’. This will unpublish the vacancy from the site but not delete it entirely. If you wish to remove the vacancy entirely, then select ‘Request Removal’, this will then prompt you to give a reason why for the deletion and then the vacancy will be deleted entirely.